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Mental Health Resource Kit from Kenya

This resource kit centres around the documentary “What’s Eating My Mind”. The film depicts the insightful and deeply personal story of living with bipolar disorder in Kenya, where the issue of mental health is often taboo. Noella Luka was living out her dream of studying filmmaking in the US when a manic episode turned her life upside down. She was hospitalized and diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She quit film school, returned to Kenya, and picked up a camera. For years, Noella has kept a record of her battle with bipolar disorder and her search for answers to one burning question: ‘What Is Eating My Mind?’

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THISABILITY Newspaper was initially aimed at people with disabilities and their caregivers. The content is reported and written only from a positive aspect. Our objective is to motivate and inspire our readers to look outward and not inward, too see what they can find and not, in many cases, what they may have lost. Over the years a very strong and positive response has come from the disabled and the non-disabled sector, with non-disabled people learning more of the day-to-day challenges many people face, thus gaining respect and admiration for the personal growth that many have achieved. The content is aimed at mainstreaming disability in all socio-economic platforms of society and stories are drawn from South Africa, sub Saharan Africa and the rest of the world to showcase good practises, stories of hope and various initiatives that empower persons with disability to actively participate in various environments.

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Media Engagement and Advocacy

Dr Catalin Brylla (Bournemouth University) talks about media engagement and advocacy, presenting his case study of documentary making and visual impairment. This project aims to deconstruct the stigma of blind people through the analysis of existing, as well as the...
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