Rosemary Choma (Androse Disability Organization Tanzania) talks about enabling factors in advocacy campaigns. She introduces the IMAR model, which describes campaigns in terms of Idea, Motivation, Ability and Resources. She also explains the emotive layer of campaigns, covering passion, empathy, love and pain.
Presentation held at the YDAR Festival 2023, Day 1
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5.CHOMA-Advocacy Campains-Enabling Factors in Creating Change-Int Disability Festival-2023
Rosemary Choma is a Tanzanian, disabled mother and a wife. A natural activist and philanthropy. An author of a book entitled ‘THIS IS ME’, a founder and the Managing Director of the Androse Disability Organization Tanzania (ADOT), a non-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization which envisions to empower and dignify holistically the lives of the most vulnerable persons with disabilities especially women, children and youth. Rosemary has lived her life with physical disability since the age of two and a half years; with some visible and invisible diseases and has gone through multiple surgeries; a state that gives her courage to transform her pains into strength in understanding and helping other persons with disabilities by becoming a dynamic natural disability activist; to systematically empower and dignifying holistically the lives of the other most vulnerable persons with disabilities in Tanzania with great passion! Her involvement as a volunteering Coordinator of TanzaNEAD, the TanzanianNetwork on Evidence to Action in Disability is equipping Rosemary’s network and skills at near angels for better understanding of disability concept, research and advocacy in order to translate research into policy, products and practices for the gain of other persons with disabilities in a Tanzanian context. Rosemary is a holder of a Master’s degree in Project Management; a thesis entitled ‘Effect of Stigma on Inclusiveness of Persons With Disabilities in Community Development Projects: A case of Temeke District. Her greatest passion is to see the lives of the most vulnerable persons with disabilities are articulated in a manner that can include holistically PWDs to all forms and to all levels of human life. The eve-growing desire for Rosemary to complete her PhD on disability-related objectives is gaining greater meaning by conceptualizing the SDGs ‘Leave No One Behind’.
Androse Disability Organization Tanzania
TanzanianNetwork on Evidence to Action in Disability