During this session, participants will learn about the IFES Inclusive Digital Advocacy Toolkit, how to use social media to conduct advocacy campaigns, and how to create inclusive and accessible messages. Participants will review the six steps of advocacy and discuss how to use these to advance their own advocacy goals and campaigns. YDAR partners from the International Foundation for Electoral Systems will lead this session, which will be delivered via Zoom.
Ashley Law is the youth engagement specialist at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), where she provides technical support to design and deliver tailored programming to promote young people’s civic engagement and political participation. She previously worked as a program officer for IFES’s Asia-Pacific team, managing projects in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, and Bangladesh, working with election management bodies to hold inclusive elections, increase youth participation, and partner with universities on civic engagement initiatives. Sarah Timreck is the Youth Engagement Program Officer at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), where she helps design programming that is youth-led, youth-informed, and youth-serving. Previously, she worked on IFES’ Middle East and North Africa portfolio, supporting projects in Tunisia and Libya that partnered with civil society and government stakeholders across the electoral cycle.